Incoming Students

Welcome to Kalamazoo College! The Registrar’s Office and Advising Office are here to help you with fall term course selection and registration. As more information becomes available and the time to register nears, these pages will be updated with detailed information and instructions, so make sure to check back often.

Announcements and Reminders

Registration Process

Incoming first-year and transfer students register online for fall courses in July 2024. The required steps in the course registration process are:

  1. Complete online placement exams by June 15 (or as soon as possible if you were not able to by June 15).
  2. Review and update your Emergency Contact information by July 1.
  3. Read guidelines and advice on choosing your fall courses.
  4. Plan your fall course schedule.
  5. Register for fall courses online during the week of July 15. You will receive a message to your Kalamazoo College email a week or so prior with your specific scheduled registration time.

Questions about the registration process? Contact the Registrar’s Office (269-337-7204) or the Advising Office (269-337-5767) – from your Kalamazoo College email account, please.
We can also set-up a video chat or call through Microsoft Teams if needed based on your specific questions – email us to find out more about this option!