
Philosophy DSA Elle Bernas

Elle Bernas

Hometown: Grosse Pointe Woods, MI
Majors: Philosophy and French
Concentration: Critical Theory
Best Adjective to Describe You: Passionate

In 20 words or less, what is the best thing about being part of this department?
Having a group of people who also like to discuss philosophical topics and getting to learn from truly amazing professors.

What is your biggest piece of advice to first years and sophomores about getting connected to this department?
Don’t be afraid to go to office hours, participate in class, and talk about philosophy with your classmates! You can’t just learn philosophy you have to DO it, which means reflecting on how the concepts learned in class apply to your everyday life! Some of these discussions could very well result in a newfound passion.

What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned at K?
The most valuable thing I’ve learned at K is the value of community. There are so many cool clubs and organizations to be a part of at K and the community centered environment that K has to offer is so unique. Finding a community is so rewarding and it helps makes K truly feel like home.

What has been your favorite class at K?
My favorite class has been 19th Century Philosophy. This was a small class of around 12 students with two wonderful TAs. We met every Tuesday and Thursday and Chris would make us all coffee before we embarked on two hours of philosophical discussion. The class became so tight-knit and there would be a big crowd during the TA’s office hours where we would talk about our learning and how we see it present in our lives. Because of the material of the course, we were able to open up about deep and personal topics. Before our midterm and final papers, one of the TAs hosted a dinner at her house to talk about the paper. Everyone was in attendance and these ended up being some of the most fun nights I’ve ever had.

How have you taken advantage of the open curriculum or experienced breadth in your education?
By coming in undecided and not having to take so many general education classes, I was able to take classes that actually interested me and it has allowed me to pursue a double major and concentration. I have had many different ideas about what I would major in and the open curriculum allowed me to change my mind multiple times without falling behind!

What experiential education opportunities have you participated in?
I am a part of the women’s soccer team and am on the executive board of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee. I also work in the office of admissions as a tour guide. I am an interfaith intern at the office of religious and spiritual life and I also volunteer at the Young Adults Program and Club Grub through the CCE!

What are your career aspirations/next steps after K?
Short term, I will pursue a Fulbright scholarship to teach French abroad! Long term I plan on going to law school!

What is a random fun fact about you?
My favorite animal is an octopus!