International & Area Studies

International & Area Studies DSA Joseph Shumunov

Joseph Shumunov

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
Majors: International & Area Studies and Political Science
Study Abroad: Amman, Jordan
Best Adjective to Describe You: Formidable

In 20 words or less, what is the best thing about being part of this department?
The interdisciplinary nature of the department allows you take internationally focused courses in different fields.

What is your biggest piece of advice to first years and sophomores about getting connected to this department?
Since the department is disciplinary, it is very easy to get connected given that the professors come from other departments in the college. Most students in humanities/social sciences are bound to take a class where the professor is a part of the IAS department. I would say creating deep relationships with those professors will be the best way to get connected.

What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned at K?
You truly can’t receive a well-rounded college education stuck in one department or field, you must branch out.

What has been your favorite class at K?
Arab-Muslim Societies with Dr. Gary Gregg was my favorite course because it perfectly fit into my area of interest in IAS, analyzing Middle East milieu not only in the anthropological sense, but also looking at their communities through psychological, religious and political lenses.

How have you taken advantage of the open curriculum or experienced breadth in your education?
Since the very beginning of my college career, I’ve enjoyed the open curriculum because it allowed to pursue my interests and not be stuck in the Gen-Ed rigidity of other colleges. The open curriculum allowed me to finish most of my major requirements early, which allowed me to take courses that I simply just took because they piqued my interest. Since I specialize in Middle East, I would never have imagined I would take courses like German Film, Magical Realism, or others. Those courses are completely out of my expertise but opened me up to skills like film analysis, literature analysis, etc.

What experiential education opportunities have you participated in?
Research Intern at the Hudson Institute in Washington D.C. –
Assisted Senior Fellow Dr. Michael Doran on affairs in the Middle East, Caucasus, and Central Asia. Created a 40-page analysis and summary of news and Russian-language media in Azerbaijan. Simplified and summarized articles on bilateral relations, domestic policy, and conflict timelines.

Media Intern at the Jordan Times in Amman, Jordan –
Copy-edited and brainstormed briefs and articles partnered with my intensive study abroad program. Developed social media strategy for branding awareness while analyzing news trends in Arabic-language media. Published articles on social issues in Jordan and youth political involvement in the Middle East.

Public Affairs Intern at the US Embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan –
Designed posts about US culture for Azerbaijani netizens and press releases. Managed the Embassy’s social media pages while developing monthly campaigns. Authored a foreign policy cable to US Amb. Litzenberger on Iranian media in Azerbaijan and edited press.

Campus Leadership Positions:
President of Model United Nations –
Coordinating weekly meetings to practice public speaking, formal writing, and research.
Leading our delegation members to quarterly MUN conferences across the United States.
Developing content strategy via Instagram and communicating with representatives from other universities.

Vice-President of Hillel
Developed quarterly religious and educational events for Jewish students on campus. Educated school community about the Israel-Palestine conflict and promoting intercultural dialogue. Designed social media posts celebrating holidays and tackling antisemitism.

What is your SIP?
I will be analyzing why Azerbaijan remains strong and stable amid Russian aggression against other GUAM states like Georgia, Ukraine, and Moldova. As a part of my SIP, I will be a summer visiting fellow at the Topchubashov Center, an international politics think tank in Baku, Azerbaijan.

What are your career aspirations/next steps after K?
I hope to pursue the Fulbright Master’s Degree Program in Israel. I hope to receive an MA in International Relations at Tel Aviv University and return to the US to pursue a law degree.

What is a random fun fact about you?
I speak 5 languages.