Laura Oliveira
Hometown: Recife, Brazil
Majors: French and Psychology
Study Abroad: Strasbourg, France
Best Adjective to Describe You: Creative
In 20 words or less, what is the best thing about being part of this department?
The community created with the students and faculty.
What is your biggest piece of advice to first years and sophomores about getting connected to this department?
The biggest advice I could give is to be friends with your TAs. They are here only for a year and are usually very eager to make friends, especially if you are their student. They also work a lot with the faculty members and know them well, so it is easier to connect to the department through them.
What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned at K?
My independence. As an international student living in a big city, I had a limit to my independence that I could break here at K. I was able to travel by myself with my study abroad opportunity. I was able to meet friends from various parts of the world and find a bit of who I am in the process.
What has been your favorite class at K?
My favorite class here at K was one that touched me very much and opened my eyes to the Psychology field. My first-year seminar was about Resilience which was an essential coping mechanism to learn as a young girl going to college. I still think about many things I have learned in that class.
How have you taken advantage of the open curriculum or experienced breadth in your education?
I certainly have, especially in my first year here at K. I changed my area of professional interest and wished to explore some other subjects, so I decided to take a class on anthropology, another on psychology, and even one in drawing, which is one of the favorite classes I have taken here at K.
What experiential education opportunities have you participated in?
I have had a job as part of the Center for Civic Engagement working with children before their swim lessons. I also have worked with the Center for International Programs as a Welcome Team Member for the incoming international students.
What is your SIP?
I will be working at an organization during the summer that provides housing and a community for intellectually disabled adults. I will be writing about my experience there.
What are your career aspirations/next steps after K?
I wish to go to Graduate School and become a therapist for children in their developmental stages.
What is a random fun fact about you?
I was once stung by a jellyfish and I still have the scar.