Sage Lewis
Hometown: Cave Creek, AZ
Majors: Economics and Spanish
Concentration: Public Policy & Urban Affairs
Study Abroad: Madrid, Spain
Best Adjective to Describe You: Clumsy
In 20 words or less, what is the best thing about being part of this department?
The professors! The Econ professors are super nice and the courses are fun and interesting!
What is your biggest piece of advice to first years and sophomores about getting connected to this department?
Try any Econ course and talk to other students about their experience in the department and with the professors to get insight and first-hand knowledge about the Econ student experience! Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to any professors!
What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned at K?
The most valuable thing I have learned at K is how important it is to be open to new experiences and perspectives. Different students and classes have taught me so many important things I had never even considered before coming to K.
What has been your favorite class at K?
My favorite class at K was the Climate Change Economics seminar. This course gave me so much knowledge and insight into the issue of Climate Change and how our world is addressing it from a perspective of Economics.
How have you taken advantage of the open curriculum or experienced breadth in your education?
I have been able to try so many courses outside of my intended major Economics, which led me to major in Spanish as well! I have taken courses in art, religion, and philosophy which have broadened my horizons and introduced me to so many new interests.
What experiential education opportunities have you participated in?
I became part of the Office of Student Activities at K my first year and now am an intern for the office. This experience gave me so many skills and experiences that have helped me become the student leader I am today. It also helped me meet so many different people around campus!
What is your SIP?
My SIP is about an economic analysis on Kalamazoo City’s public transportation system with a focus on sustainability. I hope to use my SIP to work towards an improved public transportation system in Kalamazoo!
What are your career aspirations/next steps after K?
Right now, I am hoping to focus on my senior project and after graduation I hope to work towards a Masters in Public Policy action while focusing on sustainability.
What is a random fun fact about you?
I love hot sauce on everything!