
Chinese DSA Lindsey Baker

Lindsey Baker

Hometown: Memphis, TN
Major: Chemistry
Minors: Chinese and Math
Concentration: Biophysics
Best Adjective to Describe You: Hardworking

In 20 words or less, what is the best thing about being part of this department?
I’ve loved being able to chat with professors during office hours to enhance my speaking skills.

What is your biggest piece of advice to first years and sophomores about getting connected to this department?
I would emphasize office hours. You don’t necessarily have to have a question, because this time is perfect for practicing speaking about any topic.

What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned at K?
I think the most valuable lessons are the skills I’ve developed to take ownership of my research and coursework.

What has been your favorite class at K?
I loved a chemistry elective called Molecular Structure and Reactivity (Chem450) the most. It is closely tied to research I’ve done so it was awesome to take!

How have you taken advantage of the open curriculum or experienced breadth in your education?
I’ve gotten involved in Chinese as well as history classes in addition to a pretty heavy STEM load.

What experiential education opportunities have you participated in?
I have been working as a TA for intermediate Chinese for a few years, and am also active in the Chemistry Learning Lab.

What is your SIP?
My SIP is in Chemistry synthesizing heterobimetallic catalysts for the deoxy dehydration of polyols.

What are your career aspirations/next steps after K?
I am hoping to go to graduate school for chemistry.

What is a random fun fact about you?
I can also be found playing bassoon in the Academy Street Winds.